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Special Orthotic Services | Postural Bespoke Seating SolutionsCombining experience and clinical expertise Special Orthotic Services provides award-winning specialist postural and bespoke seating solutions.
The Urban Aesthetic: Urban Art Exploitation | Situation CriZhong’s critique seems to capture the nuance of this type of art appreciation that the book Streetwise presents as problematic. She also acknowledges some of the contradictions within the book that reinforce how complica
Frenzy Universe Blog Archive Circus-A-Day Project: Week 3Welcome to the Frenzy Universe Blog. - Michael Moncur's weblog GeneralWell, it looks like I let this site go a year without a real post. Again.
AI3:::Adaptive InformationArticles on semantic technologies and KBAI (Mike Bergman's articles on the semantic technologies, adaptive information, knowledge graphs, and artificial intelligence
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Veterinary marketing blog from VetNetwork: latest in veterinarian andVeterinary marketing blog from VetNetwork: latest in veterinarian and veterinary hospital marketing news.
German-Pennsylvanian Association | (Deutsch-Pennsylvanischer ArbeitskrMehrere hunderttausend Amerikaner und Kanadier sprechen heute noch, zum Teil zehn Generationen nach der Auswanderung ihrer Vorfahren aus Europa, einen Dialekt, der dem Pfälzischen sehr ähnlich ist: Pennsylvaniadeutsch. D
Frenzy Universe Blog Archive Circus-A-Day Project: Week 3Welcome to the Frenzy Universe Blog.
disclosure statement | Agung SariDisclosure Statement The contents of and blog is written and edited by me, Gunawan Huang. The compensation I might receive as a affiliate
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